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TCF Bible Study (The Farewell Discourse of Jesus)
TCF Bible Study (The Farewell Discourse of Jesus)
July 6, 2019
From 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
2019-07-06 17:30
2019-07-06 19:00
TCF Bible Study (The Farewell Discourse of Jesus)
Discussion points for Bible study on John Chapter 15: 1) John 15:1-8: a) What does it mean that Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches? b) What is the fruit that we as the branches are supposed to bear? c) What is the pruning that is to be done on us (the branches)? d) How do we (as branches) abide/remain in the vine? 2) According to John 15:8 what is the purpose of being a Christian (or salvation or evangelism). Also, see Titus 2:14, Ephesians 1:4-6, Matthew 5:16 3) John 15:10, 12, 14, 17 (Also, John 14:15, 14:23) emphasize on obeying Jesus’ commands. When we are saved by grace which, why all this emphasis on obeying his commandments? 4) John 15:11 talks about how our joy will be complete. The commandments and standards given by Jesus sound pretty challenging and hard (even to the point of laying down our lives for friends). How will they make our joy to be complete? 5) John 18-27 Why does the world hate the disciples/followers? Who in the world specifically will hate? You can find previous Bible study notes here (John chapter 14 notes has an update): https://www.tcfco.org/blog/
Discussion points for Bible study on John Chapter 15:
a) What does it mean that Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches?
b) What is the fruit that we as the branches are supposed to bear?
c) What is the pruning that is to be done on us (the branches)?
d) How do we (as branches) abide/remain in the vine?
2) According to John 15:8 what is the purpose of being a Christian (or salvation or evangelism). Also, see Titus 2:14, Ephesians 1:4-6, Matthew 5:16
3) John 15:10, 12, 14, 17 (Also, John 14:15, 14:23) emphasize on obeying Jesus’ commands. When we are saved by grace which, why all this emphasis on obeying his commandments?
4) John 15:11 talks about how our joy will be complete. The commandments and standards given by Jesus sound pretty challenging and hard (even to the point of laying down our lives for friends). How will they make our joy to be complete?
5) John 18-27 Why does the world hate the disciples/followers? Who in the world specifically will hate?
You can find previous Bible study notes here (John chapter 14 notes has an update):