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Saikrishna Gomatam

Bro. Saikrishna Gomatam:
During his childhood, he used to occasionally practiced priesthood in a local Hindu temple in his hometown. At about age 16, he faced an existential crisis, which began a spiritual quest that eventually led him to commit his life to Christ.

He did his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Masters in Computer Applications. He worked as a Software Engineer, which brought him to Denver.

In 2012, after working for more than seven years as a Software Engineer, he quit his job to pursue theological studies at Denver Seminary. He did Master of Divinity with honors from Denver Seminary.
He has been a Student ministry leader with Union of Evangelical Students of India (UESI), Contributor to Right Theology Forum, a Bible Study Teacher,  adjunct faculty at HITHA (Hyderabad Institute of Theology and Apologetics).
He served as the Discipleship Coordinator & Outreach Director at Galilee Baptist Church (Denver, Colorado), and as Pastor-in-Residence at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church, Denver, Colorado.

He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. Program in Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Archaeology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois.