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What Is God’s Dwelling Place

Gods Dwelling Place

1. Not in Temples Made by Human Hands

In Acts 7, we see Stephen’s speech where he quotes Isaiah 66, explaining that God does not dwell in temples or buildings made by human hands. Stephen’s speech angered the religious establishment so much that they stoned him to death.

2. Temple With People as Living Stones

Ephesians 2:20-22 talks about the temple of God that is being built, “a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” – with Jesus as the chief cornerstone, on the foundation of apostles/prophets, and people as living stones. The only criteria to be a stone/part of the temple is accepting the love/grace of God – not merely as lip service, but with the willingness/desire to be in the presence of God (which implies willingness/signing-up to the highest standards. God’s love/grace is not some free pass where anything goes, as some wrongly understand).

3. God’s True Temple Under Construction

So the temple mentioned in Ephesians 2:20-22 is under construction. Someday it will be finished, will be completed, and the glory of God will fill the temple!